Python: What Beginners Need to Know
What is Python? Python is a backend programming language that’s great for beginners. Python is similar in many ways to Ruby, but is less verbose than other programming languages - a little less wordy. Python is approachable. Even if you haven’t taken a CS class, you can still write a useful tool in Python. It’s high-level, so you don’t have to deal with the lower-level aspects of programming, such as memory management. Python can be used for scripting, web scraping, and creating data sets. It’s popular in the scientific community for scientific computing; there are libraries that make it easy to share academic code projects in Python. Python is a web programming language, so it interfaces with the internet. It knows how to receive and send web requests and talk to databases. Python is said to be “loosely typed.” This category of programming languages doesn’t require you to state the type of value a function returns when you define the function or the type of variable bef...