March Your Way to Financial Freedom
Our 71st Independence Day is now behind us! It has been nearly three quarters of a century since our country has been free from the British Empire. We are free to live our lives the way we want to, within the confines of legal jurisdictions, of course. We can make our own decisions and choose our own paths. We are also free to use the resources of our country for our own good. Yes, Independence Day is a day we should all get together and celebrate. And yet, there are some parts of our lives where we are not as free as we should be. One such part has to do with our finances. We often tend to fall into the clutches of money and that too, by our own doing. Hence, this Independence Day, let’s understand how we can achieve financial freedom. Use credit cards only for emergencies Credit card companies lure us with offers, discounts and cashbacks. We are allowed to buy whatever we want right now and asked to pay for it only later. The credit card companies give us this flexibility be...