Apache Impala is now a Top-Level Apache Project

Five years ago, Cloudera shared with the world our plan to transfer the lessons from decades of relational database research to the Apache Hadoop platform via a new SQL engine — Apache Impala — the first and fastest open source MPP SQL engine for Hadoop.  Impala enabled SQL users to operate on vast amounts of data in open formats, stored on HDFS originally (with Apache Kudu, Amazon S3, and Microsoft ADLS now also native storage options), and do so in an interactive and iterative manner, which was previously not possible.  Its flexibility and leading analytic database performance drove the strong adoption of Impala across a wide range of global enterprises looking to power these BI and SQL analytic workloads, and led to a constantly growing ecosystem of third-party tools integrating with Impala.
Fast forward three years, Cloudera donated Impala to the Apache Software Foundation, along with the newly announced Apache Kudu project, further solidifying its place in the open source SQL world.  Since the proposal, the Impala engineering team has worked hard to bring Impala to the new software governance model of the Apache Incubator and build an active and innovative community. That’s why we are pleased to announce that Impala has graduated to a Top-Level Apache Software Foundation Project. 
Jim Apple of Cloudera has been a critical mentor for Apache Impala and will serve as vice president and will continue to guide and grow the open source community around it in the Apache Way. 
This is not only an exciting moment for the Impala project and its community, but also for the current and future users as the project continues to make Impala run at larger scale, improve workload management, and add optimizations for cloud. We look forward to working with you to continue to drive Impala into the future.[Source]-https://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2017/12/apache-impala-is-now-a-top-level-apache-project/
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